Thursday, October 2, 2008

Pray for Sarah Palin

This evening, Sarah Palin will debate Joe Biden on national television. And, I would ask that you pray for Sarah Palin.

A dear friend of mine called me this afternoon regarding a revelation God had given him about how to pray for Sarah Palin prior to and during tonight's debate.

I'm going to share it with you as succinctly as possible and you still be able to understand it.

My friend said that God likened her situation to the story of David and Goliath.

Everyone told David that he could not defeat Goliath, but David knew that with God's help he not only could, but would defeat Goliath and the whole Philistine army.

1. Pray that Sarah Palin will be firm in her faith, go out with confidence, trusting in the Lord knowing that He will give her the victory.

Saul tried to get David to wear his armour and carry his sword, but they were too big and heavy for David.

2. Pray that Sarah Palin will not try to answer with the answers other's have given her, but to trust that God will provide the right answers and the right words for her to speak.

David went to a fresh water stream and found five smooth stones.

3. Pray that Sarah Palin will go the the Living Water which is the Holy Spirit of God and find the five points which God has for her to use tonight.

David went out against Goliath, loaded up the first stone in his sling and let it fly with all his might and it found the one spot on Goliath which was not covered - his forehead - and it knocked Goliath down and out.

4. Pray that Sarah Palin will deliver the first point with confidence and force so that it will knock Joe Biden off his feet and disarm him.

David then took the giant's own sword and cut off Goliath's head.

5. Pray that Sarah Palin will take the second point and attach with such force that it will destroy any ability for the opposition to fight back.

David then lead the charge to destroy the whole Philistine army.

6. Pray that Sarah Palin will use the other three points God will give her to open the eyes of this nation to the fact that John McCain will do the right things and lead this nation to where God desires it to be.

The last part of the revelation revealed to my friend was to:

7. Pray that Sarah Palin, as she walks off the platform tonight, will raise her hands, praise God and give Him all the glory!

I've already been praying about these 7 areas and will continue to pray until and through the debate tonight - and I hope you'll join me.

I really believe that Sarah Palin has been lifted up to be the Esther of our time - that she has been brought forward for just such a time as this!

Just as Esther lived in a foreign country where God's people were persecuted and looked down on, as Christians, we live in a country where more and more we are scoffed at, mocked and are even beginning to feel the first waves of persecution. There is no doubt we are under attach and that many in this country would like to see us destroyed, or at the very least, to see our influence destroyed.

I believe we have an opportunity to have, in Sarah Palin, an Esther in the inner court of government, to open the eyes of our leaders as to what is right and to make a way by which God's people will not be trampled on and destroyed, but lifted up and restored.

I was thrilled to see the video of her speaking before her home church. While many in the media and many in this country laughed and tried to portray her as a religious fanatic or nut, I saw a woman who is strong and unashamed in her beliefs and in her faith - and that is just the kind of person God can use in a place and time such as this.

Pray for Sarah Palin!

Love in Christ Jesus,
