Monday, December 31, 2012

Frank Mendoza - A Devoted Husband - Gone, but never forgotten

Frank Mendoza passed away this past Thursday.

Seems to me we are losing way too many good men!

My brother, Joel Rutherford, wrote this about Frank:

I want to honor my stepdad - Francisco 'Frank' Rosendo Mendoza. He died on Thursday, December 27, at the age of 85. Although married to my mom for over twenty years, close to half that time was while she had Alzheimer's. 

Frank was an artist, a WWII Navy veteran (served on the USS Goodhue transport ship and came under kamikaze attack), and worked his way from grunt laborer to Plant Manager at Oklahoma Steel Castings (dirty, hot, dangerous labor).

His greatest act, IMO, was how loving and gentle he was with my Mama. Through her confusion and irrationality and fear, he always called her 'Baby' and caressed her face. For the last three years, he fed her baby food in a hospital bed in the middle of their living room. His own health suffered greatly due to keeping his vow of 'for better or worse, in sickness and in health'.

Thankful! - I could not have asked for anybody to have loved my mom more.

Joel, I could not say it better!

I would add that for the last 7 or 8 years of the 16 years or more that my mom was alive, although she was unable to respond or maybe even understand, Frank would every night just before he went to sleep, look mom right in the face, and tell her "You are Jean Mendoza. I am your husband, Frank. We have been married ... (exactly how many years, months and days up till that time) ... and I love you." Then he would give her a little kiss. 

I pray God would make me and more men that kind of husband to their wives!

Love in Christ Jesus,


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Well Done! James K Rutherford 06-06-1930 to 11-14-2012

My Dad, James K Rutherford, preacher, evangelist, soul-winner, church planter, stepped across into heaven tonight.

Dad was 82 years old and had suffered from Alzheimer's for the last few years. He was confined to a care facility for the last year, and couldn't really communicate for the last 4 or 5 months. So, while I will miss my Dad so very much, I can rejoice in the blessing it was that he has turned in that tattered tent his earthly body had become for a glorious mansion in heaven!

Dad was unquestionably one of the great preachers of his generation! He had the ability to touch people in a way so few preachers, especially today, are able to do. In fact, one of the greatest compliments my Dad ever paid me was telling me I, too, had that ability to touch people when I preach.

Dad was one of the smartest and funniest people I have ever known. He always encouraged me! I remember as a boy, him telling me more than once that I was so much smarter and had far more potential then he. I don't really believe that, but it was so encouraging!

Dad preached for more than 60 years and Dad made an eternal difference for 1000s of people, so I know many were waiting today to give him a hug and a "thank you" for it was because of Dad they were in heaven to meet him today!

I lost my father-in-law, Joe Hambrick (Papa Joe) a little more than 18 months ago. He was a great, great man, as well - very, very smart - and a really funny guy! And a great soul winner in his own right!

The world is far more rich, because of the lives of these two men! Tonight, I so very much miss them both, but know there is a special place in heaven for each of them - and I find myself looking forward to heaven just a little bit more!

Love you, Dad! Miss you, Joe!

Love In Christ Jesus!


A memorial service will be held at First Christian Church in Langley, OK - probably this Saturday afternoon.

A picture from my Dad's retirement from the ministry a few years ago. Me - Uncle Shan Rutherford (youngest of the brothers, preaches in Greenwood, Indiana) - Dad (World's Greatest Father) - Uncle Dean (middle brother, Outreach/Evangelism Pastor in Clovis, California - my Brother Joel (preaches in Langley, Oklahoma.)

Another Genuine Hero - Joe Hambrick - Sheila's Dad - He was the World's Greatest Father-in-Law!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Interview for Praise the Lord on TBN

Pastor Jim Rutherford - with Pastor Melvin Cooper TBN - August 31 2012 from Jim Rutherford on Vimeo.

Check out this interview I did with Pastor Melvin Cooper for a segment of Praise the Lord on TBN! I talk about God's Shining Light Church & Wings of Freedom and all the amazing things God is doing in and through both!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Keeping Romance Alive

Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!
A little fun video/cartoon Sheila made and sent me! Just one of the ways we both work to keep the romance alive in our marriage! Send a card, send flowers, text a love note, etc. to your spouse! Keep romance alive!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Monster Mash Rap - Family Fun 2!

Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!

Monster Mash Rap - Family Fun!

Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!

Not sure this is as good as being Elfed at Christmas, but still pretty fun!

Yes -Christians do have fun!

Love in Christ Jesus,


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Artful Askers Workshop - GSL - Oct 15

As most of you know, I'm involved not only in my own prison ministry, but also with Freedom Ranch/Wings of Freedom and God's Shining Light Church and we are sponsoring a workshop which will be of great benefit, if you need to raise money for your ministry.

If you have a ministry which needs funding - then this is the workshop you MUST attend. This workshop is different and far more helpful than most on this topic. You'll gain the knowledge and skills to access resources yourself and to help others, so that you can reach your ministry goals from a financial standpoint and accomplish the outreach goals you've set. Please let anyone who might benefit know about this workshop. One of the cool things about it is that once you've attended, you can attend any future Artful Askers Workshop for no charge--just bring your own materials.


Do you need new ways to fund your vision? If so, GREAT news:

The Oklahoma Office of Faith-Based
and Community Initiatives
The Freedom Ranch/God's Shining Light
The "Artful Askers Workshop"
in Tulsa, OK on October 15!

Providing technical assistance for capacity building,

fund development, and building relationships
with funders following a proven model.

You are invited to a one-day, 7-hour workshop
that will equip you to meet the needs in your community. . .

A 1-day workshop to EMPOWER you!

October 15, Friday
9:00 am to 4:00 pm

The workshop will be at:

God's Shining Light Church
9897 East 11th Street
Tulsa, OK 74128

Sponsored by

The Oklahoma Office of Faith-Based
and Community Initiatives (OFBCI)
and God's Shining Light Church.

For information, call the OFBCI office at (405) 522-0606
or visit

Get simple directions to the location at

Cost is $75 per person
Previous Artful Askers Workshop attendees are FREE
(but bring your own materials and please let us know you are coming)

The cost includes a 120-page workbook, many pages of research and leads, a CD of templates,
samples of proposals and resumes, snacks, and lunch (total retail value of $200 worth).
Pre-Registration is required--limited seats available.

To pay with credit card and Pre-Register using PayPal
for Friday, October 15,
Click HERE:

Anyone who wishes to pay with credit card will need to register online. Cash or Check only at the door.

The schedule will be:
8:30 am Doors open (bring brochures and business cards to share with others!)
9:00 am Workshop starts
12:00 noon Lunch break
12:30 pm Workshop starts again
4:00 pm Workshop ends (Yes, breaks in-between, too!)

Registration Options:
1. To pay with PayPal, credit card or e-check, Visit and follow workshop posting from HomePage.
2. To pay with check/cash that morning, please e-mail Bob that you are coming: and you can pay cash or check that morning. OR send a check to Artful Askers, P.O. Box 1225, Warrensburg, MO 64093.

3. Walk-ups that morning (paying check/cash only) will be allowed as space/materials permit. If you plan to come and pay at the door, please let us know because limited seating exists.

Please help promote this Workshop to friends and colleagues who live in the surrounding area by forwarding this e-mail.
MANY research and resource materials will be distributed FREE at the workshop. Some support items will be offered "for sale", but NO "hard sell" will take place!

Past attendee comments: "I've been to a lot of these BUT this is VERY different!" "I'm leaving here today KNOWING what is 'my part to do' so that God will do His part!" "This is truly an eye-opening experience!" "This day is worth more than the $10,000 that I paid my last consultant--and now I KNOW what I didn't know before!" Consultants say: "After studying the materials and presentation, it is our opinion that the average organization would pay a consultant about $5,380 to get what people are taught to do for themselves in this one-day workshop."

Who should attend and how will they benefit?
Board members, ministry leaders or leadership team members of any nonprofit (faith based or community) will derive great benefit from this training. The workshop teaches techniques that help ministers, missions, congregations, faith/community-based nonprofits establish relationships with potential funders, develop positive grant writing skills, and build lasting relationships with funding partners. Over the past 18 years Artful Askers founder and President Bob Vickers, a trained and educated social scientist, has taught 14,000 ministry and community leaders this process. For more information about the process, go to

Important additional information:
o You will be empowered to DO this yourself, NO need for consultants!
o After workshop coaching is available at no charge to coach and encourage you.
o The workshop, workbook and presentation provide fundamentals for those new to the grant writing and fundraising process, as well as advanced information for those already experienced in grant writing.
o Information will be provided to help you access FREE stuff through gleaners. Free Website Builder, access to food, computers, clothing, etc.
o You will learn to leverage resources and get MORE with what you have—leverage $10,000 to get the value of $50,000.
o We will empower you with leads to funding and other resources.

What primary concepts will be taught?
Billions of dollars are changing hands now through individuals, foundations, corporate-giving programs, churches, and the state and federal government. There is money for ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING you can imagine if you follow simple principles like being other-oriented and clearly communicating who you are and what you do—especially in writing. The Artful Askers Workshop is designed to answer common questions and help people know how to engage in relationships to support what they have been called to do, how to share their vision, and how to make an “artful” ask.

The three workshop (process) components are:
1) A convincing, compelling, and concise vision that is “other-oriented” and written in a professional format. You will be taught how to create and present this with a 1-1/2 page cover letter that includes a statement of the problem as well as your mission, vision and strategic plan to address the problem.

2) How to research and where to find individuals, corporations and foundations in your area of interest. You will also learn to whom you should make your “ask”, timing, what to ask for, etc.

3) Developing the relationship whether it starts with an approval OR rejection. Ten lepers got what they wanted and had their full grants approved but only one returned to show sufficient appreciation and engage in a relationship. The widow gave MUCH by her standards but not much compared to others—can you appreciate the small gifts as much as the large? What about when you are rejected—can you still be appreciative of their consideration?

Bob Vickers and Artful Askers believe and teach that you already have enough contacts with first or second-generation relationships, geographic relationships, and/or field of interest relationships to fund every need in your community. BUT YOU must BE and DO YOUR part by being a good steward and yielding, so that He can accomplish through you what you cannot even dream of but He wants to do. The KEY is stewardship of ALL relationships. You will leave this workshop EQUIPPED AND EMPOWERED to engage in the entire process of building relationships with funders and will be able to help yourself without dependency on consultants!

Learn more at "Connecting a cheerful giver and a grateful recipient by an 'artful' ask."

Robert Vickers
Artful Askers
P.O. Box 1225
Warrensburg, MO 64093
(660) 747-6390, Fri-Sat, 8:00 - 5:00 CST or

"Philanthropy is the 'art' of connecting a cheerful giver and grateful recipient, by an 'artful' asker."

Empowering Servants to meet needs in communities by cooperating and collaborating to build relationships.

ALL relationships are important! Healthy relationships involve many characteristics including:

R espect, Honor, and Dignity to ALL.
E xpressions of Encouragement.
L isten, Acknowledge, & Consider Response.
A ppreciate and Affirm.
T RUST In-Spite Of/Through Brokenness.
I dentify and Build on Commonalities.
O rder in Place and Deliberate Actions.
N urture and Understand.
S elf-less Orientation.
H ope, Faith, and Pursuit of Consistency.
I ntegrity Journey.
P ardon, GRACE, and Mercy MUST Abound.