Monday, November 5, 2007

Are Your Ready?

What a powerful video!

And what a reminder that Jesus may come again at any time!

Certainly, if you read God's Word regarding what the world will be like when Jesus returns, it is apparent that those times are upon us. It may be 10 years or 20 years from now, but as this video portrays, it might be in just a few minutes.

Let me ask you this - if you knew Jesus were coming in 30 days, is there anything about your life that you'd change?

Is there something that you'd stop doing and for which you'd seek repentance, because you'd be afraid it would keep you from heaven?

Is there something that you should be doing that you'd start doing? Maybe you've been intending to talk to a loved one or a friend or a co-worker about Jesus and trying to lead them to salvation, but just keep putting it off because you are afraid you'd offend them? Maybe you keep telling yourself there will be a better time?

It is so easy for us to think that we have plenty of time, that we can change later or we can talk to that person about their soul some other time, but the fact is that Jesus could come at any moment - and, as Christians, we ought to be living our life with that realization - with that kind of urgency - no only in regard to assuring our own salvation, but is reaching the lost around us.



It may be that Jesus doesn't return for another 20 or 30 years, but you might not have more than today - more than these next few hours.

Last week, an 18 year old girl who had graduated last year from the same Christian school two of our kids attend(ed) was driving home from church and another car clipped her car causing her to spin into another lane of traffic where her car was hit and she died from her injuries. She was a wonderful Christian young lady. She'd made straight "A"s, was a star athlete, a beautiful and sweet girl and I am sure that death was far from her mind and that anyone who knew her would have thought that she had many wonderful years ahead of her. Yet, her young life ended in a moment.

The Bible tells us that, at best, our life is like a mist which appears for a moment and then is gone.

Let me ask you that question again - Are you ready?

If not, you need to get ready - TODAY!

Love in Christ Jesus,


1 comment:

Karen said...

Awesome video! Praise to Yeshua! I know where and with whom I'll be going...This made me weep for all those who think they know and don't! I'll check in often.