Tuesday, January 1, 2008

2008 - Your Best Year Ever!

Are you hoping that 2008 is a better year for you than was 2007?

It can be, if you'll just to a few things differently.

1. Spend at least 15 minutes talking and listening to God each day.
I read that the average Christian in America spends less than 10 minutes in prayer each day, so if you spend 15 minutes, you'll be well above average. Divide the time 5 - 5 - 5. Spend the first 5 minutes praising God and thanking Him for the many ways He continually blesses your life. Spend the next 5 minutes confessing sins, seeking God's wisdom, grace and mercy. Spend the last 5 minutes being quiet, just listening for God to speak to you.

2 Spend at least 15 minutes reading God's Word each day.
If you'll spend just 15 minutes reading your Bible each day, you'll read about 3 to 4 chapters a day and you'll read through the whole Bible, the entirety of God's written word, in less than a year.

3. Get involved in a ministry.
Each one of us has been not just called to ministry, but gifted for ministry. If you're not sure what your ministry area is, then try a few different things till you find it - or take one of the "gift evaluations". For the Church to function properly, each person needs to be contributing by using their gift - their calling. You'll also find yourself being more focused on spiritual matters as you beginning laying up treasure in heaven.

4. Tithe
If you don't consistently tithe (giving 10% of your gross income to the church or in support of ministry), then you need to start. God promises that if you will bring the first 10% and the full 10% to Him (the work of the Kingdom), then He will open the windows of heaven and pour out more blessing into your life than you can imagine. But, as with all of God's promises, if you refuse to do your part (the first and full 10% of everything you make) then God cannot bless your life.

5. Live a Holy Life.
You need to decide today that in 2008, you are going to live as holy a life as it is possible for a sinner to live. If you've let some little sin creep into your life, confess it, repent of it and get rid of it today! The Bible says you cannot serve two masters. You cannot cling to those little "pet" sins that we so easily justify as not hurting anyone and expect God to bless you and use you. If you want to live up to your potential, live fully and completely for God. If you want to be the person God created you to be, then honor God in all you say and all you do, all you watch, what you wear, what you listen to, the effort you give to your job, etc. Do all as if doing it for Jesus!

Want to make 2008 your very best year ever?
So does God!

All you need to do is these few small things and God will pour blessings into your life beyond anything you can imagine!

Happy New Year!

Love in Christ Jesus,


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