Saturday, March 15, 2008

Pictures from China

I've heard from Katie several times since the last update, but only briefly. She is, of course, still in China. It seems like she has been gone a very long time, but her trip is only half over. Katie said that she is a little homesick, but I know that will quickly pass in the next few days as the time in China draws shorter and she'll be wishing she had more time there. Katie did say the other day that it was pretty difficult not knowing the language and only being able to understand the few people there who do speak English well. How did she put it? "It's like being in a 24 hour nail salon."

Each student on the trip had to give a presentation to the student body of the High School they are visiting in Chengdu. It is supposed to be something that represents a part of American life and is of special interest to the student giving it. Katie gave her presentation on the Girl Scouts. She has been involved in scouting since she was in 1st grade and this summer, I think, will receive her Gold Award which is about a good as it gets.

I don't know how her presentation went, because I haven't really talked with her at length since then. She also helped judge an English Contest, attended a wedding and the Opera, but I'll have to update you on those when I get an update.

The good news is that we finally got some pictures! And, that is better than me writing anyway!

Iris meets Katie at the airport in Chengdu! What beautiful flowers and what two beautiful young ladies!

Iris's Mom with western jacket we sent as a gift, Katie, and Iris's Dad with the western shirt we sent for him!

Iris holding a book which Savannah picked out for her, because it is about the moon and Iris's Chinese Name "Yue" means "Moon." At the last minute before Katie left, we were trying to find some Moon Pies to send, but apparently they are not a plentiful as I imagined!

I bet you thought blue cotton candy was all American!
(Katie and three fellow students from Jenks High School)

Katie must have eaten more than her fair share based on the color of her tongue!
(Isn't she pretty even with a blue tongue!)

Katie was measured for a traditional Chinese dress (don't remember what it is called) which will be hand made and ready just before they leave Chengdu. Even in China, it was very expensive. Katie said it is red and black with gold trim. Some of the kids on the trip adopted Chinese names as did the Chinese students when they came to America, but since Katie did not have a Chinese name, the just put "Pretty Girl" on her dress order to identify her. AWWWW!

Katie in front of a temple (I think). Katie said that the temples are beautiful there, but it also breaks her heart to realize that so many millions do not know Jesus and their Savior and Lord.

I think this is the area which Katie said reminds her of the River Walk in Jenks. Shops, restaurants and entertainment built along the river. It must be a little bit of a tourist area, because it has the street name in English.

The Katie we all know and love! It says on her MySpace - "I'm a really big dork, but you'll probably love me anyway!" I'm not to sure about the dork part, but to know Katie is to love her.

We were hoping that Katie would have an influence on Iris, but I'm not sure this is quite what we had in mind!

Katie must feel right at home in Iris's home. With three beautiful women and a Dad lucky enough get to hang out with them, it is just like our house!

Is that a design on those chopsticks, or is she eating ants? Katie must be enjoying the food and adapted to using chopsticks, because she said she thought she'd gained a little weight.

Stay tuned for more updates! Keep Katie in your prayers!

Love in Christ Jesus,


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