Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Katie Is Home

Well - long time no write! But - I'm going to do much better, because I have so many wonderful things to share!

First - Katie is home from China. She is safe and sound and had a wonderful time. The last full day she was with Iris and her family in Chengdu was Easter - Resurrection Sunday! It was just a God thing I am sure, but we had bought a decorative cross to hang on a wall for Iris's family and sent it as a gift, but Katie had overlooked it when she gave out gifts, so she was able to pull it out on Easter Sunday and explain that this day was not special because of Easter Bunnies, dyed eggs and candy, but because Jesus Christ rose from the dead to give to us the promise of eternal life after dying on the cross three days before to pay the price for our sin so that we might have forgiveness. I'm not sure how it all came out in translation, but please pray that the real meaning of Easter would resonate and grow in the hearts of Iris and her parents.

As you know, the area around Chengdu was hit last week by a monumental earthquake. Iris and her family and friends are all fine, but please keep the people if that area in your prayers.

Katie had just been invited to go on a Mission Trip back to Chengdu this summer. She would have gone as an Assistant Teacher for a two week intensive English course at one of the universities, but the program had to be canceled due to the earthquake. They are hoping to be able to re-schedule it over Christmas, but will plan to go next summer, in either case.

As Katie was in China, God placed a love in her heart for the Chinese people and a calling upon her life to return to China to share the Gospel. Please pray for Katie and that opportunity.

Love in Christ Jesus,


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