Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Real Ministry

A little more than a year ago, Sheila and I became involved with God's Shining Light Church (GSL) in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

GSL does amazing ministry by which life, upon life, upon life has been and continues to be dramatically changed. It is the most incredible church I've ever seen.

I was talking to a local television station manager not too long ago and he saying that he couldn't understand why more churches were not reaching out in the same way as GSL. I told him that the answer was easy - most churches wouldn't want the kinds of people GSL is reaching to ever come to their church.

You see, GSL is reaching drug addicts and alcoholics and men & women just out of prison and the homeless. If you'd ask on any given Sunday how many people used to fit into one of those catagories about 80% of the congretion would stand.

Through a related program, Wings of Freedom, a sober-living environment is provided and through the Sunday service, the Wed. night Celebrate Recovery and the Fri. night service and 12-Step Study, 100s and 100s of lives have been change through love and acceptance and encouragement and accountability - but most of all through the power of Jesus Christ.

Over the next few days, I'm going to tell you more about God's Shining Light and Wings of Freedom and I'm going to introduce you to some AMAZING people - the kind of people that Jesus was thinking about on both side of the equation when he said, "Whatever you do to the least of these, you do it unto Me." At God's Shining Light, it is the former "least" reaching out and ministering to the current "least."

If you live anywhere near Tulsa or ever visit Tulsa - you need to come to God's Shining Light. Sunday service is from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and features a band called Broken Yoke, which happens to be the best Praise Band in America - and maybe the world! Wednesday night, you can come for dinner at 6:00 and stay for Celebrate Recovery from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. And, Friday night, you never know exactly what you'll get, but you'll get it from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. - and you might, on occasion, even hear me preach! The church is located at 9897 East 11th Street, which is about a quarter mile west of Highway 169.

You can learn more about the church at and you can find out about all the other events that are scheduled, like the "Setting Captives Free" Revival May 13-17 and the 3rd Annual Freedom Run motorcycle rally on August 29.

Again, starting tomorrow and for the next week or so, you'll meet some amazing people doing REAL ministry!

Love in Christ Jesus,


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