Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Baby Joel Update

I love this picture done by Joel's dad, Ryan Green.

I stand amazed at the faith of my niece, Amy and her husband, Ryan as they continue to believe God for complete healing for Joel.

Joel was in surgery only half as long as the surgeons had expected. They were able to easily remove almost all of the tumor and are confident neither the surgery nor the tumor harmed any of Joel's nerves or brain function. The tumor has been sent to pathology for them to determine the exact type of cancer.

The neuro-surgeon said that the tumor was not the type he expected it to be, but rather a type called ATRT. This is a rare type found in only 2% or so of tumors. Survival rate in children under 3 years old (Joel is 12 months) is a very low 11%-17%. He did say that he could not say for sure that this was the type of tumor it was, and that we will need to wait on pathology for a full report. We expect that report by Friday or Monday. We are praying that pathology will find it to be a more easily treatable form of tumor - or that it is not even cancer at all!

Joel did GREAT in the surgery! He was strong and stable. And, he was resting very comfortably when I left the hospital this afternoon about 4:30. Joel was breathing on his own and looked super, especially for just undergoing brain surgery. He has tightly sutured incision running from just behind his left ear to 2/3 the way to his right ear, low on the back of his skull. No bandages and very clean.

He already looks so much better to me. Amy reported that his eye brows were already again moving in unison.

I prayed over Joel again right before I left the hospital - that in the Name of Jesus he would be healed, fully & completely, that he would live a long life and that by his great testimony many souls would be saved.

Please continue to lift Joel up in prayer as we await the MRI and pathology reports, that God would be gracious and the Joel's healing be made complete!

And, continue to life up Amy and Ryan. Their faith is so strong, yet constantly being bombarded with these bad reports. Help them to hold to the fact that God's report is the only report that matters - that His word is the final word!

You can follow Amy and Ryan's thoughts and get the latest updates on Joel at:

Love in Christ Jesus,


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