Monday, April 19, 2010

Happy Birthday, Danna!

Today is the 36th Birthday of one of the most amazing people I've ever known.

A few years ago, Danna was a nurse and single mother of a special needs son.

As Danna struggled to keep up with life, she began to use meth to keep herself going. Soon she was not just using it, but cooking it and selling it.

As I said, she is an amazing woman, and she managed to keep it together for much longer than most people would be able to do.

But, Danna was more than just a typical meth addict, she became a powerful and mighty servant of darkness and an enemy of Jesus Christ and His church. Unless you understand how very, very real are the great spiritual battles going on all around us, you cannot begin to understand what I'm saying.

But, as the Bible tells us, while we were enemies of God, He loved us so much He sent His one and only Son, Jesus, to die for us!

God passionately loved Danna, just as He does all of us sinners - and God miraculously began to work in Danna's life - and when I say miraculously, I mean in ways most people could not believe if they were told.

Eventually, Danna ended up in court over drugs, with everyone wanting to send her to prison and to, of course, take her child.

Instead of the judge sentencing Danna to prison as everyone expected, she "sentenced" her to Wings of Freedom - and the rest is "HIS-story"!

Danna, by the power of Jesus Christ and with the help of Wings of Freedom, got her life squared away and is now a "House Mother" for Wings, a wonderful mother to her son, Trenton, a great nurse and a powerful and mighty servant of Jesus Christ and His Church.

Danna has such a heart for people and is SO kind and loving and such and encourager - yet, she is SO bold in her faith! Or maybe fearless in her faith is a better way to say it!

And, Danna is a powerful, powerful intercessory prayer warrior! I know if I find myself is a spiritual battle, I want Danna to have my back!

I am blessed and humbled to call her my friend - and my sister in Christ - and to be able to serve beside her and the 100s of other amazing people at Wings of Freedom and God's Shining Light Church!

Happy Birthday, Danna! I know with all my heart that God has wonderful, amazing plans for you in this year and in the years to come!

Love in Christ Jesus,


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