Friday, June 13, 2008

Cardboard Testimonies

I just saw this video this morning and was struck by how much it really said.

This is actually a video on tithing and giving by making the point that church changes people's lives and so it worth supporting with your tithes and offerings.

While there is no question that people's lives can be dramatically changed by the grace, love and power of God, this video, to me, raises the question which all of us should be asking ourselves - "Are people's lives being dramatically changed though MY church?"

I believe with all my heart that the Church of Jesus Christ was intended to be a dramatic and powerful agent of change -that people lives should be dramatically different because of what they experience in and through the Church.

I also believe that many, many churches in America today are NOT the powerful agent of change which our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ intended the church to be. Far too many churches are not much more than social clubs using ritual and religion to make themselves feel like they are doing something good for themselves and society. That is why polls show over and over again that the lives (the words and actions) of people who consider themselves to be good church-going Christians are not much different than the lives of people who never go to church and have little use for spiritual things.

So - I'd ask you today to take an objective look at YOUR church and to come up with an honest answer to the question - "Is MY church really being The Church?" Is the church you attend and support making a dramatic and powerful difference in people's lives. Are souls being saved? Are people living changed lives?

If the answer is "NO." - then you either need to change your church or change churches!

If you are in Tulsa, you need to check out God's Shining Light Church at 9897 E. 11th Street, if you are looking for a church that is being The Church of Jesus Christ - a church where souls are being saved and lives dramatically changed. I can promise you this - you may not be comfortable there, but you will marvel at all that is being accomplished for the cause of Christ.

Love in Christ Jesus,


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