Saturday, June 14, 2008

Happy Father's Day, Dad!

The handsome gentleman above is my Dad - James King Rutherford!

On June 6th, we celebrated his 78th birthday with a dinner prepared by his wife, Eva Jo, in their home. It was wonderful to see Dad, as it always is. Even though I only live about 45 miles from Dad, I don't see him nearly enough. Each time I see Dad, I always make a mental note that I need to see him more often, but, I am, as most of us seem to be, far too busy with life, to always make the time for the things I intend to do - even when if involves someone as special as my Dad.

Last spring, Dad retired from 50+ years as an evangelist, preacher and pastor. My Dad was a great preacher - one of the very best! I had the great privilege of preaching at the service to honor him, even though both his brothers, each great preachers in their own right, were present at the service. It was truly one of the greatest honors of my life.

I am so thankful that Dad has been able to witness the changes God has brought about in my life over the years. For many years I was a prodigal son, not so much from my earthly Dad as I was from my Heavenly Father, but still there were too many years when our relationship was not as close as it should have been and I wish now it had of been.

I am so thankful to my Dad for being the kind of Dad he was. Dad was busy as a minister, but he did lots of things with me. He taught me to hunt and fish and to play golf and lots of other stuff. While Dad was sometimes not very outwardly expressive in his love for me, I never doubted that he loved me or that he was proud of me. And, Dad never gave up on me or quit praying for me all those years I was away from God and the church. Most of all, Dad was an example of a preacher who had a passion for lost souls. Dad was not only a great preacher, but he was a great soul winner! I wish I was half the one on one soul winner as my Dad!

I know that it is in large part because of the foundation of faith and knowledge of Jesus Christ, that was build in my life as a boy and young man by my Dad (and my Mom) and the example of a Christian man I saw in my Dad, that has made me the man I am today.

So - Happy Father's Day, Dad! It is my great hope that we celebrate many more!!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The generational anointing
continues through you and
most likely your children.

God's grace is truly awe
inspiring to consider.