Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Praying for Joel - Chemo Begins

My great-nephew, 1 year old, Joel Green, is scheduled to begin what is planned to be 54 weeks of Chemo and Radiation tomorrow to treat a very aggressive cancer. PLEASE PRAY!

A brain tumor near his brain stem was discovered about 4 weeks ago, surgery was done. Almost all of the tumor was removed, but Doctors had to leave one tiny piece of the tumor which was wrapped around a major artery and nerve. The piece which was left behind was so small it could not even be seen on an MRI, yet with the short delay in beginning Chemo due to Joel developing meningitis, the most recent spinal tap revealed this tiny bit of cancer which was left has spread cancer cells into his spine.

Doctor's believe the cancer is still treatable - if they can begin to treat it now and attack it as aggressively as it is attacking Joel.

Please continue to follow this journey of faith and healing - - and please continue to pray - daily - fervently!

Pray not only for Joel, but pray for his doctors - pray for his mom and dad, Amy & Ryan Green - pray for his big brothers, Caleb (4) and Isaac (2). Caleb asked the other day if Joel was going to have to live at the hospital forever.

I am believing God for health and healing and for at least 80 years of life for Joel, as many, many people are touched and brought to salvation by his testimony of God's healing power!

In Jesus name, Joel - be well! In Jesus name - all cancer be destroyed. In Jesus name - many years and many souls! Speak it in heaven, Lord, and let it be done on earth!

Amen, Amen & in the powerful name of Jesus - Amen!

Love in Christ Jesus,


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