Thursday, August 16, 2007

Preaching at South Heights

What a privilege it was for me to preach at South Heights Assembly of God in Sapulpa, Oklahoma this past Wednesday evening!

South Heights is the church at which my wife, Sheila, is on staff. She was hired last October to be their worship leader and, if I do say so myself, is doing a fantastic job. Sheila would very humbly tell you that all the credit goes to God who has so richly blessed her with the talent to do what she does and so faithfully pours out the anointing of His Holy Spirit each time she leads. I think it is that humble dependency on God that sets her apart from so many other worship leaders.

I've been in services with well known worship leaders like Darlene Zschech of Hillsongs and Lindell Cooley when he was at Brownsville Assembly (Revival at Brownsville) and God has blessed Sheila with that same ability to lead people into truly anointed worship in which the Holy Spirit is able to move in powerful ways and the manifest presence of God can genuinely be felt.

When Sheila and I pastored at SouthWest Christian Fellowship, we were in service together every Sunday, but now that I am involved in evangelist work and, especially since God lead Sheila to South Heights, it is a rare privilege for me to preach when Sheila is leading praise and worship.

I want to thank Pastor Bob Warman for being so gracious in occasionally asking me to preach for him. I know that it is difficult for a pastor to give up his pulpit, but it is real blessing to me to get to preach at my "home" church - and all the more so, since Sheila is leading worship!

I think the service, or at lest the message, was video taped and if I can get a copy, I'll see if I can't get it uploaded to the blog! God was so faithful in touching His people through His Word. As I preached from Revelation 3 on Living Above Lukewarmness, a spirit of conviction feel upon many in the church and I hope you get a sense of that on the tape.

The truth is that all of us could be a little hotter in our relationship with Jesus and in our desire to serve Him by telling others about Him.

Love in Christ Jesus!


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