Monday, August 27, 2007

Tears & Trials

It seems to me that over the last month or so, I have had so many dear friends and even family who are going through times of tears and trial. For some of these dear Christians, the trial is physical as they face cancer and other serious health issues and the uncertainty those problems hold. Several others are facing serious issues with their teenage children and the decisions they are making about their lives - and it just does not get much more emotional and tearful than that. I have several friends who are in the midst of legal problems and the uncertainly as to how those issues will be resolved.

When we face life's most difficult trials, especially those which seem to drag on and on, it is so easy to get discouraged and to become weary even in our faith. Even as we are surrounded by caring and praying friends and family, it is often hard not to feel that we are facing our trial all alone and that, perhaps, even God has forgotten about us.

If you are in the midst of one of these trials and you feel yourself worn out, cried out, all alone and forgotten, it is my prayer that you might find encouragement in this quote from Charles Spurgeon:

"When a tear is wept by you, don't think that your Father does not see it. Your sigh is able to move the heart of Jehovah; your whisper can incline his ear to you; your prayer can stay his hands; your faith can move his arm. Do not think that God sits on high in eternal slumber, taking no account of you. Engraved on the Father's hand your name remains, and on his heart.
He thought of you before the worlds were made. Before the channels of the sea were scooped or the mountains lifted their heads in the clouds, he thought of you.
He thinks about you still."

The Bible promises that our Heavenly Father knows when even a sparrow falls, that He knows the number of hairs on your head, that He knows you by name, that He loves you and that He will NEVER leave you or forsake you. God knew you before you were born and he has a plan for your life and it is an eternal plan, it is not on hold or forgotten. God thinks of you still!

The trials and tears of today are known to your Heavenly Father. He knows what you are facing and He sees every tear that falls and because of that, you can be certain that it will be alright, that soon God Himself will wipe away every tear. He has not forgotten you, He thinks of you still and always will.

Love in Christ Jesus,


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