Sunday, August 12, 2007

What is His Name?

Most of the Book of Proverbs is written by Solomon, the king of Israel, who was the son of David, king of Israel, but the 30th Proverb is written by a guy named Agur.

He starts out asking a question that each of us must answer.

In Proverbs 30, verse 4, he asks "Who has gone up to heaven and come down? Who has gathered up the wind in the hollow of his hands? Who has wrapped up the waters in his cloak? Who has established all the ends of the earth? What is his name, and the name of his son? Tell me if you know!

Almost everyone believes in some kind of god or higher power, but the truth is that there is only one true God and it is the God who created the universe, who created man, who knew you before you were ever born, who has directed and numbered your days, who even knows how many hairs you have on your head - who knows YOU by name! And believe it or not - GOD LOVES YOU!

God has only one son and his name is Jesus. And, the Bible says (John 3:16) that God loved the world (and especially you) so much that he let his only son Jesus be put to death on a cross so that who ever believes in him (and that includes YOU) might not perish (die), but have eternal life!

That is pretty awesome!

No matter what the circumstances of your life, no matter what kind of things you've done, no matter how badly you've fouled up your life, God still loves you and wants nothing more than for you to have a personal and eternal relationship with him through his son Jesus.

What is his name and who is his son? That's the question you need to be able to answer!

Love in Christ Jesus,


1 comment:

Ktmrbug said...

You're My Hero and I hope and pray that one day when I am living my dream in the ministry God has called me into that I will have half the knowledge about him and his word as you do! I love you!